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Reporting Spills

Reporting Spills and Releases

The National Response Center (NRC)

The NRC is the sole federal point of contact for reporting oil and chemical spills. In addition to gathering and distributing spill data for Federal On-Scene Coordinators, the NRC serves as the communications and operations center for the National Response Team, which is chaired by EPA. The NRC has implemented an on-line query system that makes oil and chemical spill data available online. See NRC’s webpage and EPA’s webpage for additional information on EPA’s response structure.

Report Oil or Chemical Spills at 1-800-424-8802


See EPA’s How to Report Spills and Environmental Violations for more information and regional contacts.

See US Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for more information about reporting incidents that have taken place in transportation.

Learn about EPA removal actions that are used to handle emergency oil spills or chemical releases and short-term responses at Superfund Removal Actions.


Are You Notified When a Spill Occurs on Your Tribal Lands? 

As a government entity, you may receive email notifications of oil, chemical, radiological, biological, and etiological discharges into the environment within your jurisdiction by submitting a completed application to the National Response Center (NRC). You may choose which types of incidents you would like to receive notifications for: aircraft, continuous release, fixed, storage tank, pipeline, platform, railroad, railroad non–release, mobile, unknown sheen, and vessel. The form describes each type of release. Tribes with NRC agreements in place receive spill notifications based on provided jurisdictional information and selected incident criteria contained in the agreement application. To apply for an NRC agreement, please email or fax the following form to 202-267-1322: application to receive National Response Center reports. This form also includes NRC’s address, email, and a phone number for any assistance and questions. 

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