Registration is now open for the 2021 Tribal Lands and Environment Forum: A Virtual Gathering! Registration is free, and we will be meeting virtually the week of August 16. Register at: via a two-step process using the “Register” link on the upper menu: 1) Answer the questions to create an account (including setting up a password) and click the Register button at the bottom and 2) Complete the registration page and click that finalize tab!

You can also visit ITEP’s website to view plenaries, sessions, the cultural event, and more from the 2020 TLEF at While once again we will not be able to meet in person, we are hoping to create a true community for you online again. It has been a very difficult and challenging time for everyone, but it has also been a time of new possibilities. We hope this year’s TLEF provides you with not only new ideas and knowledge, but also a chance to reconnect with old friends and make a few new ones – and maybe even recharge your batteries a little.