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Tribal Lands and Environment Forum

Tribal Lands & Environment Forum Conference

The Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF) is an annual Tribal event that brings over 500 Tribal environmental professionals from across the country together.

The TLAC team and the Tribal Superfund Working Group (TSFWG) Advisory Council work together to ensure the Tribal Lands and Environment Forum (TLEF) includes trainings, meetings, a Superfund Talking Circle, TSFWG dinner, field trips, and networking opportunities for Tribes working on contaminated sites to build relationships and engage in professional development.

TLEF Highlights

Since 2010, ITEP has delivered the TLEF: a joint effort between the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP), the Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee (TWAR SC), and US EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM). The ninth annual forum took place in 2019 for environmental professionals from Tribes, US EPA, State/Local/Federal agencies, community organizations, and other interested parties to meet, share knowledge and learn from one another how to improve management and protection of Tribal lands and human health.

Grant funds are set aside for need-based travel scholarships to assist Tribal professionals working on Superfund related issues who lack the necessary funds to attend the TLEF. On the TLEF registration form at the TLEF website Tribal professionals may request scholarships to help offset their travel, lodging or per diem expenses. All applicants will be asked to provide narrative justification for their request, and all such requests will be evaluated by ITEP. Those individuals demonstrating the most need will be selected for travel scholarships.

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