Site icon Tribal Lands Assistance Center

Building Relationships

Building Relationships

Cleaning up contaminated sites often requires working together with multiple agencies, organizations, contractors, and your community. Additionally, Tribes may help each other work through the process by sharing their knowledge and experience.

TLAC helps facilitate new connections through:

Superfund Mentor Program

Onsite mentoring opportunities are available for Tribal professionals involved in Superfund-related activities. 

Superfund Annual Site Visits

The Tribal Superfund Working Group (TSFWG) participates in one site visit each year. Get a glimpse of what goes on during these visits.

Tribal Lands and Environment Forum Annual Conference

An annual Tribal event that brings over 500 Tribal environmental professionals from across the country together.

Tribal Superfund Working Group

The TSFWG is engaged in work with Superfund sites, Federal Facilities and other sites of special concern.

Tribal Waste and Response Steering Committee

The SC is a Federal Tribal Partnership Group comprised of subject matter experts from Tribes and AK Native Villages.

Emergency Response Partners

Developing relationships with various agencies and organizations prior to a disaster or emergency in your community will save lives.

Who's Who in EPA

EPA is organized by headquarter and regional offices around the Nation and supported by the Office of the Administrator. Find out which EPA offices you may need.

Superfund Research Program Centers

SRP funds university-based grants to find solutions to protect the public from exposure to hazardous substances/contmainated sites.

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