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2022 Federal Facilities Academy Webinars

U.S. EPA’s Federal Facilities Restoration and Reuse Office (FFRRO) is happy to announce that the 2022 Federal Facility Academy Webinars are now open for registration. Webinars are generally being held on the second Wednesday of every month from February through December 2022. The main objective of the Federal Facilities Academy is to improve the skill set necessary for project managers to effectively manage federal facilities and strengthen relationships across agencies. The program will help ensure that a nationally consistent message is delivered as part of the Superfund Federal Facility Program. The intended participants for the program are EPA federal facility RPMs and project managers from other federal agencies, States, and Tribes. Participation is voluntary and highly recommended. The Federal Facilities Academy includes 11 webinars and a three-day classroom training for 12 total courses. Those who complete all the webinars and classroom training will receive a certificate of completion once they provide their course certificates to Emy Laija of FFRRO. See Trainex Federal Facility Academy website and the 2022 Federal Facility Academy Webinar Flyer for more information.

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